June 24 – 29, 2025 Oneness Nordic, Sweden
Course Date *
Please select:June 24-29, 2025 Deepening
Accommodations *
Please select:Standard Room (Single Occupancy)Executive Room (Double Occupancy)Executive Room (Single Occupancy) - Additional Fee Applies
Name *
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Country * Please select:AustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilCanadaChinaColombiaCzech RepublicDenmarkFranceGermanyHong KongHungaryIrelandItalyJapanKoreaMalaysiaMexicoNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwayRussiaSingaporeSpainSwedenSwitzerlandUnited KingdomUnited StatesOther
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WeChat ID (if applicable)
Gender * Please selectMaleFemale
Birth Date *
OWL Standards Below are some of the standards set for a participant of the OWL journey. We request you to consider your participation in OWL stream of learning in the light of these conditions. 1. This journey has been designed by Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji to lead an aspirant into exalted states of enlightenment. Hence it would challenge your strong edifice of ideas, beliefs, self-images, and mental constructs. The wisdom you receive from them will lead you on a journey of self-realization and liberation, and not self-appeasement and self-aggrandizement. It would require you to nurture spiritual qualities of perseverance, inner strength, and humility to be a seeker on this stream of learning and learn from enlightened masters. 2. Throughout your 9 days of the journey, we will be introducing certain austerities and abstinences that are very important to initiate a spiritual awakening in an aspirant. During certain special processes, you will be required to fast food and fast sleep. You will have to abstain from alcohol, or any type of stimulants, abstain from mobile and other forms of electronic gadgets and abstain from work throughout the OWL unless there is an emergency and a special permission taken. This disengagement from sensory and mental stimulation is critical for awakening your kundalini and activation of your chakras and for receiving the oral transmission of enlightened wisdom that would be directly transmitted by Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji. 3. OWL is not a course that ends in 9 days. It is a spiritual journey, where you will be hand-held by the dasas (disciples) for the coming weeks and months until you enter your next dimension of OWL. Hence it is quintessential that you participate in every online follow up session that happens fortnightly and you make the yearly trip to India to go through higher processes and deeksha at Ekam. 4. Entry into the OWL happens on a selection basis by the board. Also a personal interview with a dasa (disciple) is mandatory for selection. If at any point, a participant does not align with the spirit of the OWL journey, they would be requested to discontinue from the stream by the dasas (disciples). We request you not to take this as a personal offense or failure but have an open discussion with the dasa (disciple) and take it as an opportunity to advance in your spiritual evolution.
By clicking this checkbox and registering, I agree to follow all the steps of selection, to provide authentic information about myself and my life and agree to abide by all standards set during the course.
Further details will be provided following receipt of your registration.
Scroll up to the Registration form.